
markdown_spa uses jinja2, allowing you to create a base template for all generated pages. By default, the following variables are available:

Variable Available in Description
{{ uri }} Base and nav templates, HTML pages URI of the page
{{ meta }} Base and nav templates, HTML pages Mapping of the page's attributes
{{ assets_path }} Base and nav templates, HTML pages Path to the assets directory
{{ page_content }} Base template HTML content of each markdown file

To add your own variables, you can add attributes at the top of each markdown file:

[title]:   # (This is a title)
[summary]: # (This is a description)

This is the actual content of the rendered page.

Then, in the base template, variables will be accessible through the meta variable:

<div id="app">
    <h1>{{ meta.title }}</h1>
        <summary>{{ meta.summary }}</summary>
        {{ page_content }}

Which will render as:

<div id="app">
    <h1>This is a title</h1>
        <summary>This is a description</summary>
        <p>This is the actual content of the rendered page.</p>